Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Literacy: Modelled reading (Early Years Level)

Learning Activity 5.1:
Develop a list of suitable literature for reading to/modelled reading in the early years. Choose a variety of texts and complete the table below.


Text type/ Genre


Who sank the boat?
(Pamela Allen)

The Potato People
(Pamela Allen)

Can You Keep a Secret?
(Pamela Allen)

Bears on Wheels
(Stan and Jan Berenstain)

Sleepytime ABC

Three Billy Goats Gruff

Mrs. Wishy Washy.

Elliot the Piglet. Q2

Fiction- Picture Book

Fiction – Picture Book

Fiction- Picture Book

Fiction- Picture Book

Non-Fiction: Picture Book

Fiction- Big Book

Fiction- Big Book

Non Fiction- Picture Book

Humourous story-to develop prediction skills.

To discuss about relationships between families, grandparents.

Discusses about crowns, kings and rulers and prepositions.

Discusses about acrobatics, numbers and bicycles.

Introduces letters of the alphabet.
Introduces concepts of big, small, middle sized.
Talks about familiar animals on the farm.

Discusses about a pig who feel secluded due to his size.

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