Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beating Milk Allergies

Milk Allergies is a serious thing.

I have lactose intolerance, so I can only take cow's milk in small dosages.

But some people may have severe anaphylactic reactions to it.

This article reports that now it is possible to cure allergies..

(p.s not that I don't know, but the general public always never did think out of the box anyways..)


cre8tone said...

Yup.. it's important to create awareness on CMPA.. :)

CheaYee said...

The only problem i realised overseas, at least with being in Australia is that, some people take milk allergies really seriously to the point of avoiding it.

there are some allergies which are life threatening, like peanut, and for some kiwifruit and strawberries.

People like my brother avoid milk when he has no actual milk allergies (we just have intolerance when taken in large quantities), so it makes it difficult at home when my mother cooks. (he really should be moving out and living on his own at this age, sheesh)

there is no problem for people like me when i take milk, as long as i know how much my treshhold is.
The most important thing is that total avoidance will cause the body to develop the inability to fight against simple infections because the body has not developed the resistance.

Isnt that what immunisation and innoculation all about? innoculating the baby with a weakened virus so that the child can slowly build up antibodies against the virus.

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