Thursday, September 22, 2005

Observations in a Taska/Tadika

Now even though there has been regulations set out for nursery programmes, or taska, as they are known in Malaysia, how it thrives also depends on the cultural and social context of Malaysia. Now so far, the demand for nursery programmes in KL is still not there. Children here are still sent to be taken care of by extended families- whereby which, includes aunties, grandmothers, mothers-in-law. Families have yet to come to the stage and practice of sending their new born babies or toddlers to a nursery. It is just not done.

Childcare Centres in Malaysia are registered under the Welfare Department, whereas Kindergartens are registered under the Education Department. Child Care centres in Malaysia are categorised under two, which are home based child care centres (less than 10 children) or institution based centres (more than 10 children).

However, home based child care centres may not be very popular in the city area as far I know. As I have never been to a home based childcare centre, I do not know what kind of services they provide. However, in my knowledge, most parents prefer to send their children to a proper kindergarten, where learning activities are provided. It's more of a "value for money" thing. If the kindergarten does not provide after-school care (or taska services), the parents will send their children to someone who provides nannying services. There is politics that exists between the nannies & taska services, but that's a different subject altogether.

Demand begates supply. As such, daycare programmes (most of it that is), is incorporated to as part of the services that kindergartens offer, and not so much as an independent service by itself. To do so, would be akin to committing economical suicide on oneself, unless it was specifically for that purpose. I am sure there are some, but the ratio of kindergartens to daycares is probably about 100:10, or probably less?

Now, this afternoon, I went to visit a kindergarten that is operated by a classmate of mine. She's in her mid 40s, (if you are wondering). Now, this lady runs about 4 kindergartens, and is on the verge of starting another one.
For her kindergarten, she applied for licences under the Education Act 1996 and also under the Child Care Centres Act 1984. Yup, technically, both licenses have to be applied for.

However, knowing the political situation in Malaysia, the situation is always is always "one eye shut". Many so called kindergartens in Malaysia are unlicensed and not registered. But that is for another story.....

Now I needed to go and observe children in a daycare setting, but to be able to just observe her children who were in the range of 2-4years was more than sufficient. I was actually hoping to see babies in diapers, like how they have in creches, however, that is most likely not something possible yet in this part of the world for a long long time lar!

It took me a while to go and find her kindergarten as it was right smack in the middle of Petaling Jaya, and I got lost and had to drive a few rounds before I could finally reach the place. Heh.

It was a surprise for me, as when I went in, one of the teachers who was teaching one out of the 3 toddler classes happened to also be another classmate of mine (who is doing the same unit as well!). That was such a God-sent miracle! That would just mean we were both on the same line of thought for our assignments, that is!

Surprise, surprise!!

So after the principal had brought me around the school, I told the principal that I would like to sit in and watch the class.

Now, I shall analyse the toddler area settings based upon some of the criterias mentioned.

Conducive Learning Environment:
I liked the way the settings were done up. Now, the principal is Montessori trained, so you can be sure there is no running away from using that approach in that kindergarten. The Practical Life and Sensorial materials were placed against the wall, and there was a lovely wall display with all the children's work on display.
What I liked about the art display was, for every type of artwork displayed, a note was written there stating the kind of skills that the artwork required/entailed.

The furniture was child sized, and the tables were small enough to accomodate the children moving around.

There was this circle on the ground, where the children and the teacher (or aunties as they are called in Montessori schools) would sit in.

Supportive interactions:
Now, this one of the things I love watching about the class that my classmate taught.
The children and the teacher have such lovely and warm interaction, I could almost melt!
It's not what you would see in a lot of asian schools, "children are seen and not heard", and everything is study, study, study!

The interaction between the teacher and the children was warm and friendly. Even when the child tried to misbehave, the teacher did not raise her voice, but was very firm.
And no, she didn't beat the children (which is exactly my point that most "so-called" teachers in Malaysia tend to do when the children misbehave!). The children were not afraid of her, but enjoyed talking and interacting with each other.

The children were having so much fun just being there. I am sure you would have enjoyed being a toddler in that class as well. I wouldn't want to go to a school where the teacher expected all the children to keep quiet while she herself only talked!! Such a boring class. If I were the child, I would have run outside to play. Nevermind that the teacher started scolding me instead!!

The other thing my classmate mentioned aside to me was the, Show and Tell activity that the students in the west do (meaning the western based activities).Show and Tell is where the child brings something from home or from a visit somewhere, and tells the class where they went or what happened.

Now we don't really have these kind of activities here, but such activities do help the child to feel as part of the classroom. Now only that, it helps them to develop their language skills and self esteem.
My classmate says that she will incorporate such activities into her circle time in future.

Planning- Supporting learning and development
Now I am not sure how many kindergarten teachers keep a reflective journals, but I do. (I have no option in my case). :-P

If one wants to improve in their vocation and profession as a teacher, the skill to be able to evaluate and analyse one's use of teaching strategies, skills and ability to translate/innovate one's knowledge of theories into practical usage is pivotal to improving one's self.

I had the priviledge of being privy to the planning records, (which actually is private & confidential), so most professional staff will not allow anyone access to such records in respect of both the school and the child's privacy.

Now one of the first things I observed was that there was a Nature Table in the classroom. The theme for the lessons was on Ocean Life, and there all these beautiful collections of sea shells, sea creatures, artwork, and all brought by the children themselves. None of it belonged to any of the teachers at all! It was lovely, as it would provide children with a sense of belonging to know that THEY had contributed to the learning/activity of the classroom.

Of course, for the children to be able to contribute materials the class, it is the teacher's role to inform both the child and parents, so that they can participate in their child's learning. I am sure the parents must have enjoyed searching for things with their children (if the parents had done all the work, it doesn't really matter!).

I was observing one toddler class at work. The teacher had had filled an ice-cream container with sand. The children were seated around the circle and one child was searching through the container for what the teacher called "Buried Treasure". It was just so exciting to watch!

My classmate was doing an artwork with her class on Octopus tentacles. Isn't is lovely to see such a thematic curriculum in place?

Another class had their Free Choice activities. Now, for this, the children would take one activity that they have already been taught from the shelf, and the teacher recorded down each activity that the child had done.
Now, if you want to talk about Montessori schools, Free Choice does not mean the teacher simply allows the child to take any activity to do, and the teacher goes and do her own thing. The teacher has to record down whatever activities the child had chosen to do, and

The settings are child-friendly. The approach is child-led and not entirely teacher directed.


Anonymous said...

If nursery programmes are called "taska" in Malaysia, what are daycares called in the Malay language?

CheaYee said...

-kindergarten/ tadika; 4-6 years old.
-childcare centres/taska: technically 0-4 years.

Whether most asians will send their babies to childcare centres after being born is another thing altogether.

"daycare" should mean about the same thing as "taska".

then again, in a kindergarten, daycare has come to mean providing the service of the children staying until 6pm.

Just a matter of terms in malaysia, and is not so strictly demarcated in the kinds of service unlike in Australia or the UK.

Anonymous said...

That was interesting.
Thanks for the language lesson! :-)

I also didn't know that Asians were reluctant to use daycares for newborns...
Makes sense...I guess they need Mum at that tender age...

CheaYee said...

actually, most asians do not like to use daycare services for newborns. There is normally the extended family who will provide the service,and most families prefer it that way...

and it's normally "almost free" most of the time. That is whatt my cousin in The States does.
When her mom comes over, the babysitting is almost free....

Minimum wages/labour costs there are higher than here neh.....

mama23beas said...

Thanks for the interesting article cheayee. My girl has been in preschool for the past 3 months. I have not really "study" the school. The environment is good, and all I know is it is the oldest "taska" in Malaysia and the first to use Montessori. My girl loves it, that's the only justification that I have at the moment...I don't even know what Montessori is...*sham on me*

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheayee, thanks for the interesting article. I used to be a teacher teaching in a kindergarten for nine years. The article gives me an insight of how kindergarten and childcare is like in Malaysia. I would like to ask a few questions:- 1) What are the qualification & requirement to be a Kindergarten teacher in KL? 2) How is the salary like as a kindergarten teacher? 3)Is it easy to get a work permit as I am not a Malaysia? Thanks!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Can I post a request here please? I am doing currently doing my thesis on the motive of parents sending their children to preschools in Malaysia. I need urgently as many pre-school parents possitble to assist me fill in questionaires. Can interested parents drop me a note in my email at so that i can email my survey questions (no names required on the survey forms)? Regards,

maria-el-qibtiah said...

Hi, i need ur opinion regarding home visit in malaysia. Is home visit being practiced by the kindergarten teachers in Malaysia?really need opinion regarding this matter since i'm still new in this area.Thank you very much for the attention.

CheaYee said...

What do u mean by "home visits"?

As far as I know, most teachers would not "visit a home", if your intention is that teachers get to know a new child before they start school.

However, if you're talking about home visits where the teacher visits a child because they're terribly sick, or for an informal occasion, that is probably done. It really depends on the context, and for the occasion.

I sometimes visit my children in their homes (eventhough they have already 'graduated') as I know the guardians fairly well, and also partly because i miss the children. These are normally the older children.

Muhairah said...

I'm in the midst of finding a kindergarten for my child in PJ area. There are quite a few around this area and I'm not quite sure whether they have good quality teachers & programmes for the kids. I believe in recommendations & in your article you have mentioned about your friend's kindergarten in PJ. If you don't mind, can you give the name & contact no. of the kindergarten. Thanks.

CheaYee said...

hi. what's your email?

I will send it to ur email.

Mark said...

Hi CY,

Almost 4 years down the line when this post was first aired. Any significant changes?

I think there's a rising demand for nursery programmes, at least in more urban areas, as families leave their hometowns to pursue their careers. This of course distances them from their free-childcare-relatives.

Also, more and more women are entering the workforce as well. Rising incomes also allows couples to spend more on care for their children. There's also government initiatives, limited as they may seem.

Looks like Montessori is indeed increasing in popularity. Some parents are even sending their kids there without knowing what it means. (Mama22Beas :) )

Where I work, some of the kids not only interact a lot with the adults. They even help in tasks, like tidying up the room, serving food, etc. It's always heartwarming when one of them lends you a helping hand, without even being asked too. :)


CheaYee said...

it would be good if chidlren lent a hand without being asked.

i think we need to teach the chldren, especially the elder ones to know that helping others without being asked shows initiative, whcih they seem to lose as they grow older.

in many of the preschools (aussie) i went to, a lot of the children dont even want to put away the materials they have used, even when told to. some run away, and ignore you.

generally, what i would do is
reprimand them, but a lot of the aussie staff may just ignore it, saying that the chldren are not obliged to help put their learning materials away.

Mark said...

I guess it may seem a bit unfair to expect the kids to clean up after themselves, but if the kids are willing to play along, it can be made into a room activity.

It's important to make sure the kids at least try and keep tidy though, i.e. toys/equipment stay in their area, or on the table.

Not sure if being helpful/kind is something that can be nurtured easily in children. The behaviour seems to either pop up by itself, or it doesn't.

When it does it's wonderful though, watching a 2 year old share a toy, or try and comfort another child who's upset.


Lana said...

My daughter turns 3 next year and I've been doing some surveys on kindergartens and Montessori.

For that reason, I've made some visit a few Montessori schools around my area (PJ) and I've noticed that there are certain variations between them. Some say that they use pure Montessori for ages 3-4 but have been modified it a little for the kids from 5-6 to prepare the kids for primary school. One Montessori explained that some of the kids when they start primary (in kebangsaan schools) get some sort of a culture shock because of the change in environment.

When I visit the kindergartens, some kindergartens (or franchises) on the other hand has told me that most Montessori schools only use some basic Montessori methods and call themselves Montessori however does not subscribe to the original Montessori teaching materials so this confuses me quite a bit. Are Montessori indeed Montessori? Can a Taska be a Montessori as well?

CheaYee said...

In Sydney where i was working, there was a montessori childcare i went to work for a while.

In paper, it was a montessori school. The school possessed almost all teaching materials from the montessori syllabus.

Yet, even a non-montessori trained teacher could tell that it was nothing like a montessori school, as the environment was just not there.That so-called montessori centre was no different from the other play-based childcare centres I had gone to. Purely for marketing purposes.

Apart from the different teaching methods, yes, it is almost similar in Malaysia as well. A lot of montessori schools here do not have the montessori ambience, nor environment.

A taska may probably did not call itself a montessori school for registration purposes initially, but may still operate like a montessori school- dependent on the operator's training and experience.

However in malaysia, most will prefer to call themselves montessori for marketing purposes to attract parents- and the fact that it does costs a lot to undergo montessori training, and the formal teaching materials from their syllabus are equally expensive.

It really depends.

yes, it is normal for 3-4 years to be purely montessori- and 5-6 is partially montessori. Regardless of which kind of teaching method is used, the fact is - yes, the children will have culture shock once they head to primary school.

I have found that in Malaysia, and australia, there is no formal board that assesess whether a montessori school is "purely montessori" or "partially montessori".

What matters to the education board is that the school is safe and is registered under the board. A school that is registered is telling the parents that their school meets the minimum requirement- that their physical environment is safe,the school has a teaching curriculum, and that the school has enough teachers to handle the children. That is the first things parents should look at, not how cheap the school fees are, if the parents can afford it.

So to your question, yes, there ARE many schools that call themselves montessori.

Yet, it really depends if you manage to find one that fully subscribes to it, or if you manage to find one may not fully subscribe to it, but is just as good in differnt ways.

Or worst, those that call themselves montessori, but like the australian one, does not possess any of its values at all.

A good place to source for montessori centres is to go to a teacher training college for recommendations. The administration will normally know, as they have to send out students for teaching practicums.

Lana said...

The environment of most Montessori I've been too seems pretty organized in terms of setting. They have an area surrounded by practical life things and some other sensory objects for the children. A section for art, a section for music. However I did notice a difference in terms of environment when the teacher is trying to present something for the children. The Montessori philosophy states that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace - they are also not segregated by age group, so they are sometimes free to roam about while a particular activity is being carried out, particularly the younger children (I guess their attention span can be short). Is that how it really should be? Also there are some places who do hire Montessori graduates however because it is organized in such a way that some kids might be roaming out and about, some will be doing something at the back of the class like rummaging through some books, the teachers are screaming at the top of their lungs to get the children's attention.. the whole setup doesn't very much appeal to me. Of course I don't think I've visited enough to be assured that they should be in some ways a bit more organized or perhaps have the children split up into smaller groups, hire more experienced teachers? But then again, I guess it really boils down to how the principal manages the place?

Seeing that environment, I fell back naturally on the conventional kindergarten. The kids are split into age groups, they also seem to be quite well rounded (for age 3) with music & movement, circle time, some practical life stuff, outdoor activities, some have swimming for the kids. They subscribe to their own curriculum with organized workbooks for the children. Reading is also by phases, ie. from lesser simpler words to longer sentences as they go along. Should a good Montessori curriculum also contain this similar organized, incremental curriculum? Or can it not be compared in that way as they are both different teaching philosophies?

CheaYee said...

In a montessori environment, children should be free to roam about. Howver, although so, they always need to have adult supervision under all circumstances. Its basically common sense.

I've worked in a non montessori environment whre children roam on their (in australia), but that is provided children are supervised at all times. We can't let children go where there is no adult supervision..

its called-- accountability to parents. if something happens to them, the teachers are charged with responsibility.(but anyways, its mandated in the australian law anyways).

as for the teachers shouting at children, it either means that they are still new "at the game", or they are fresh grads...

it takes new teachers a while before they are able to find a way of controlling children without having to raise her voice... we all go through that experience....

Every school wants to hire both qualified AND experienced teachers, at an affordable school fee rate-- and also able to survive. Sometimes we CAN'T have everything.

Falling back on the conventional type of education-- is up to the parents' choice. If you feel comfortable with it, and it provides security for you as a parent of what you think is best for your children. As well as if you find a conventional school which has well trained teachers- not necessarily montessori trained.

To be able to subcribe to a teaching pedagogy which allow chldren to roam- requires that the teacher actually spend some time getting used to it.

It took me a while before I could get used to the concept of allowing children to roam freely, and make choices of their own (of course, under supervision at all times!).

End in end, it is just a syllabus after all that Dr. Maria Montessori wrote. It is good that it worked for her.

What should be more important is that teachers aim for such a goal-- and create their own ideas that work along the way. We shouldn't get hung up over the idea if all montessori schools are nothing like what she wrote. ^^

Lana said...

Thank you very much for your views! It brings me a little closer to making a decision on where to start my little girl with. I totally understand the statement "we can't have everything!" because yes, you were right by saying that the shouting teachers were those that were new.

I guess what differentiates the lot then is really how passionate the teachers are, how much they love children and care for their growth/learning.

Unknown said...

Dear Chea-Yee,

Im sorry to have post questions in relation to this long-dated posting of yours…

Referring to your comment provided below,

-kindergarten/ tadika; 4-6 years old.
-childcare centres/taska: technically 0-4 years.

1. Is the age gap for kindergarten (4-6) provided by the ministry? What about the crossover of 4-year-old? Taska or tadika?

2. As Child Care Centre Act set an age gap for children sent to the childcare centre (0-4), what about kindergarten? Are below 4 year old kids allowed to be admissioned?

3. What about schools that cater to children age 3-6, and all are being put in a classroom setting? (3 year olds classes are being called the nursery class, etc.)

then again, in a kindergarten, daycare has come to mean providing the service of the children staying until 6pm.

Are you referring to centres liable for both licences (Taska and Tadika)? If yes, where did the idea of providing service until 6pm came from? :)


In section 22 of the Education Act 1996, the programmes and activities of every kindergarten shall be based on the curriculum guidelines for kindergartens approved by the Minister:

1. Do all private kindergartens teach Islam to the Muslim students?

2. Is it true that many daycare providers are providing educational-based curriculum as their "activities" (so that there is no rigid rules based on the guidelines provided by the ministry to be followed)? If yes, is it legal?

3. For centres that do not follow the curriculum guidelines but implement other educational system/syllabus to children age 0-6,

- does that mean they are registered under the Child Care Centre Act 1984, and applied for the provision to allow reception of children above the age of four? (under section 24 of Child Care Act 1984).


- Are they registered under both Act 505 (Child Care Act 1984) AND Act 506 (Care Centre Act 1993)?
Also, do you know how would the PERMATA program might influence the ECE sector, both taska and tadika?

Just a matter of terms in malaysia, and is not so strictly demarcated in the kinds of service unlike in Australia or the UK.

The above line may have explained everything, just needed more clarification from someone with experiences like you :)

Thank you very much.

CheaYee said...

I will answer part here.. and part to your email. The part here will be for the general public.

Wah...this definitly... rquires a lot of technical answers...but i'll write to the best of my knowledge & understanding.

I'll answer the easier ones, since for the others, i 'll need to check out the answer..

1) Both private & public institutions HAVE TO provide islamic studies to their students- where there is a minimum number of children from muslim faith backgrounds.

I can't remember the minimum number now.

2)"educational based studies"-
from what i know, most likely yes.

There is a guideline set out by the govt, and centres should follow, when they want to renew their licence, they need to show documented proof that they have followed the guidelines.

Technially, it should be project or thematic based- but as said, even within thematic based, there is nothing that says "structured" based is illegal, as long as it follows the guidelines. ^^

3) In all essence, there is a different license to be applied for after school care/daycare services.

Centres who do apply for both (and are providing the day care services) primarily do so to not get into "trouble" with the law should the people come around checking..

I'll answer the rest of yours either privately, or if appropriate, here.

*JayNy* said... an architecture student doing a research for my thesis..there are some doubts which I hope u can assist me? First, are kids in Malaysia different in terms of attitude from those overseas? Maybe youve heard of Gever Tulley and his tinkering school where kids are exposed to dangerous stuff so that they can learn to be more responsible and will be safer if they can recognize danger. I doubt if malaysian kids can learn thru activities like this?

do email me at


CheaYee said...

Umm... what is architecture doing in childcare?? Hmmm.. but answer your question:

It is really a difficult & blank assumption to say whether a child could or could not learn from tinkering...

There are few reasons for this.
1) School Culture - the difference between the contextual school culture and what it expects a child to learn to be good at.

i.e in Australia, it is almost a given that hands-on activities, responsibility, and independence skills is an important part of the syllabus.

(however rote and mental learning is almost non-existent, if not viewed as strange here)

yet, there is the parent's expectations that most asian children still spend a lot time mucking on the books, and not so much on the hands-on because of the view that book learning and memorization is more important.

2) Parents-
Parents' guidance in pushing /encouraging the children to pursue activities of the independent nature.

How many asian parents do you know who actually do that vs the caucasian parents who do?

So to answer your questions:

Yes, I would say children in Malaysia would be different in terms of attitude from those overseas.HOWEVER.

with the right training and encouragement, children can learn almost any skills if taught step-by-step, and through:

1) constant support- from parents & mentor.
2) constant observation, monitoring & feedback/ communication.
3) constant encouragement.

So, whether it is to learn through rote memory (mental learning of mathematics times tables), and all the different formulaes,

or, even just learning to be responsible & independent through tinkering,

I would believe that with the right settings, training, and pacing, and a lot of practice as well, anything is possible.

J said...

I'm in the midst of finding a kindergarten for my child in Subang Jaya area. Have seen a few but am still cracking my head over which is suitable for my 4 year old. I'm not quite sure whether they have good quality teachers & programmes for the kids. I believe in recommendations & in your article you have mentioned about your friend's kindergarten in PJ. If you don't mind, can you please e-mail me the name & contact no. of the kindergarten. Would you happen to have any recommendation for a kindergarten in SJ area? :) Thanks.

ena said...

Hi. Thanks for such a great article. Can you recommend a preschool for my son (born in 2007) around the petaling jaya/kelana jaya area...your friend's place sounds good. Could you email me your recommendations, please? I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.

esther said...

Dear chea yee,

Today I had a unpleasant encounter wth the principal of my daughter's kindee in Johor Bahru.

The nightmare begins where the principal waited for me below the stairways and her face was all sullen when she passed the remarks that I'm always late and this is school policy I must abide. I apologised and gv my reason why I am 15 mins late, and she kept repeating abt my punctuality and passed a remark that myself and another parents is habitually late. I even explained to her reasons of being late and we tried our best to be punctual when we can and i am not late everyday. My child is only in nursery 4yrs old how do we expect them to have swings? The school does not allow parents to bring their child up to the class and parents hv to hand our child to the teacher upon the doorstep even my gal is crying refusing the teacher. It gives the impression that they do not want parents to learn abt the learning environment of the sch as the school operates in a manner of no transparency in letting parents hv the freedom to know and see what our child is doing. She is making personal attack on us and I told her yes I am late tdy,so wat do you want from me now that I'm late? She accused me of losing my temper which I did not I merely explained to her my reasons which obviously my explanation is not acceptable in her vocabulary.
After exchanging words, the principal shouted at me and chased me out of the school by asking me to get out of the school now as she is the owner of the school and building. I do not feel there is a need for me to leave as I felt I hv the rights to remain. I enrol my child to be studying here and I paid sch fees and why shd I leave when she asked me to. Afterall my November payment was made during registration. I said by end of this semester term I will leave the school. However she screamed again and pointed the gate outside and said" get out of my school now".
When I replied why shd I leave? She asked her teacher to call for police. I replied I did nothing wrong to deserve a police interrogation or statement and she has no basis of calling the police.

I would like to find out about my rights and what I can do as I'm writing a letter officially to the principal of the school to demand an apology over her unethical n improper conduct as a principal and educator. I also wish to find out about the Education Act 1996 as to where can I assess the statue to read up. There is no reason for me to continue sending my child back to the sch taking into consideration of the humiliation, embarrassment and shouting she caused me in front of other teachers and parent whom walk -in late. I am finding new school to enrol for my child and since she ask me to leave the school immediately, I would like to get for refund for my November sch fees. What course of action am I entitled to such as writing to the Ministry of Education or other recourse?

Thank you

sue9001 said...

I am wondering if you could share your friend's kindergarten add & contact with me? I've been searching for a good montessori for my daughter who doesn't seem happy at her current one. My email:

Redviolet Boutique said...

I'm in the midst oflooking for a good a kindergarten for my child in Kelana Jaya area. I believe in recommendations & in your article you have mentioned about your friend's kindergarten in PJ. If you don't mind, can you please share the name & contact no. of the kindergarten or others that you can reccomend. Thanks a million.

xbotzz said...

Hi CheaYee,

We have a daughter going on 2 this July. She is a fast learner and good with kids her age.

We have decided to get her to a daycare/pre-school as both of us are working. Currently she is with her grandma.

Can you recommend some good places for us to survey and checkout around PJ area?. Around Hilton, say 10-20 minutes radius from Hilton.

Thank you in advance.

Unknown said...

Hi CY,

Thank you for your wonderful post. Am looking for a playschool/montessori for my 2 yr old son in the PJ area. Would you be able to recommend any?

Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Dear chea yee,
You really wrote a great article!

My daughter going to turn into 3 years old next year and I'm going to search for kindergarden with Montessori method. Hope you could share your friend's kindergarden's name & address or others you could recommend in the PJ area as well.
My email address:

Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Hi CY,
Can you share your friend's Kindergarten name and address in PJ?
Appreciate that.
Kindly email to

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